The answers are :
a) Yes.Google had caused the lost.
b) Yes.Google should only responsible partially.
c) No.It was not Google's fault.
d) No.It was an unexpected incident.
The analysis result shown that :
(1) 40% people voted for "b) Yes.Google should only responsible partially."
(2) 30% people voted for "c) No.It was not Google's fault.
(3) 20% people voted for "d) No.It was an unexpected incident."
(4) 10% people voted for ''a) Yes.Google had caused the lost."

Hence, this mean that most of the people thinks Google should not fully responsible for this issue but partially. However, there are many thinking that the incident was not Google's fault. In my opinion, the most perfect system will have its weakness too. Thus, i feel that it was not Google's fault but Google should be responsible to it partially to those who affected by the incident to make others confident and continue to use Google's service.
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